Egg albumin is a dried egg white, shortens the cooking time (quickly forms the outer hard skin and thus shortens the cooking time, prevents the destruction of proteins by excessively long boiling).
When putting together these complexes years ago, I wanted to save the carp anglers from buying a large number of bottles with different ingredients. To make your bait really good, you need to add betaine, CSL cornmino, bioamino, PPC amino, liquid liver, liquid fish protein, GLM extract, liver extract, essence, fish oil, tiger nut oil, essential oil, sweetener, etc.
When putting together these complexes years ago, I wanted to save the carp anglers from buying a large number of bottles with different ingredients. To make your bait really good, you need to add betaine, CSL cornmino, bioamino, PPC amino, liquid liver, liquid fish protein, GLM extract, liver extract, essence, fish oil, tiger nut oil, essential oil, sweetener, etc.
When putting together these complexes years ago, I wanted to save the carp anglers from buying a large number of bottles with different ingredients. To make your bait really good, you need to add betaine, CSL cornmino, bioamino, PPC amino, liquid liver, liquid fish protein, GLM extract, liver extract, essence, fish oil, tiger nut oil, essential oil, sweetener, etc.
When putting together these complexes years ago, I wanted to save the carp anglers from buying a large number of bottles with different ingredients. To make your bait really good, you need to add betaine, CSL cornmino, bioamino, PPC amino, liquid liver, liquid fish protein, GLM extract, liver extract, essence, fish oil, tiger nut oil, essential oil, sweetener, etc.
When putting together these complexes years ago, I wanted to save the carp anglers from buying a large number of bottles with different ingredients. To make your bait really good, you need to add betaine, CSL cornmino, bioamino, PPC amino, liquid liver, liquid fish protein, GLM extract, liver extract, essence, fish oil, tiger nut oil, essential oil, sweetener, etc.
When putting together these complexes years ago, I wanted to save the carp anglers from buying a large number of bottles with different ingredients. To make your bait really good, you need to add betaine, CSL cornmino, bioamino, PPC amino, liquid liver, liquid fish protein, GLM extract, liver extract, essence, fish oil, tiger nut oil, essential oil, sweetener, etc.
When putting together these complexes years ago, I wanted to save the carp anglers from buying a large number of bottles with different ingredients. To make your bait really good, you need to add betaine, CSL cornmino, bioamino, PPC amino, liquid liver, liquid fish protein, GLM extract, liver extract, essence, fish oil, tiger nut oil, essential oil, sweetener, etc.
When putting together these complexes years ago, I wanted to save the carp anglers from buying a large number of bottles with different ingredients. To make your bait really good, you need to add betaine, CSL cornmino, bioamino, PPC amino, liquid liver, liquid fish protein, GLM extract, liver extract, essence, fish oil, tiger nut oil, essential oil, sweetener, etc.
When putting together these complexes years ago, I wanted to save the carp anglers from buying a large number of bottles with different ingredients. To make your bait really good, you need to add betaine, CSL cornmino, bioamino, PPC amino, liquid liver, liquid fish protein, GLM extract, liver extract, essence, fish oil, tiger nut oil, essential oil, sweetener, etc.
When putting together these complexes years ago, I wanted to save the carp anglers from buying a large number of bottles with different ingredients. To make your bait really good, you need to add betaine, CSL cornmino, bioamino, PPC amino, liquid liver, liquid fish protein, GLM extract, liver extract, essence, fish oil, tiger nut oil, essential oil, sweetener, etc.
When putting together these complexes years ago, I wanted to save the carp anglers from buying a large number of bottles with different ingredients. To make your bait really good, you need to add betaine, CSL cornmino, bioamino, PPC amino, liquid liver, liquid fish protein, GLM extract, liver extract, essence, fish oil, tiger nut oil, essential oil, sweetener, etc.
When putting together these complexes years ago, I wanted to save the carp anglers from buying a large number of bottles with different ingredients. To make your bait really good, you need to add betaine, CSL cornmino, bioamino, PPC amino, liquid liver, liquid fish protein, GLM extract, liver extract, essence, fish oil, tiger nut oil, essential oil, sweetener, etc.
When putting together these complexes years ago, I wanted to save the carp anglers from buying a large number of bottles with different ingredients. To make your bait really good, you need to add betaine, CSL cornmino, bioamino, PPC amino, liquid liver, liquid fish protein, GLM extract, liver extract, essence, fish oil, tiger nut oil, essential oil, sweetener, etc.
When putting together these complexes years ago, I wanted to save the carp anglers from buying a large number of bottles with different ingredients. To make your bait really good, you need to add betaine, CSL cornmino, bioamino, PPC amino, liquid liver, liquid fish protein, GLM extract, liver extract, essence, fish oil, tiger nut oil, essential oil, sweetener, etc.
Velmi aromatická moučka s vysokým objemem proteinů. Obsahuje škebličky, GLM extract a další dobře stravitelné komponenty (mořská řasa). Výborně se kombinuje s dalšími rybími i masovými moučkami ve směsi.
Gluten is wheat gluten, valued especially for its excellent binding properties and workability in the mixture. After cooking, it increases the hardness of the balls.
Na olej bohatá semínka konopí jsou po semletí velmi dobrou přísadou do boilies směsí. Zvětšují pórovitost a tudíž příznivě ovlivňují uvolňování atraktantů z návnady.
Cork pulp is a great tool for manufacturers of floating or neutrally balanced boilies. By adding the right ratio to the boilies mix, you will achieve floating boilies of idetical flavor and composition, for example. as the one you feed.
Levná a účinná. Vyrábí se tryskovým sušením. Dobře se rozpouští a v mixech ji ryby cítí už při dávkování 2%. Osvědčila se při výrobě boilies na sumce, je však nutné boilies rychle zamrazit nebo spotřebovat, kazí se.